To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question. OR that certainly is a thought that is in many people's minds, and is bandied about by political pundits.
Indivisible just did a survey among the more than 5,000 local grassroots groups of which it is comprised. The results were striking.
Yes! That's 80% of our Indivisible fellow activists that say YES.
There are arguments to made on both sides. On the one hand, can we in good conscience stand by and let this president and his administration get away with criminal activity? Can we let Trump get away with obstruction of justice.
Let us remember an important thing that Robert Mueller said is his nine minutes of on camera report to the nation.
So, in this convoluted way, Mueller, who was laboring under an edict that he could not indict a sitting president, was letting us know he thought that Trump probably did obstruct justice.
So what are to do? Let him get away with it? Let his brush the rule of law off the table with no consequence?
On the other hand, some folks are just scared about what that might mean for the 2020 election. (Put Speaker Nancy Pelosi in that camp.) Maybe impeachment would actually give him more strength in the upcoming contest, some say.
The Indivisible survey dealt with that as well:
But, again, our fellow activist believe that it will at least help the prospects for a Democrat in the White House in 2021.
Personally, I believe we cannot do anything but move for his impeachment. So we must demand that the House of Representatives open an Impeachment inquiry.
Just the week before last when my representative was in my home town for a town hall, I asked him if he supported House Resolution 257 that was introduced by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, calling for an impeachment inquiry. He said yes, and that he had just that day announced his support of the resolution. I asked if he would co-sponsor. He said yes. Yet every day I did not notice his name on the list of co-sponsors, so I called and talked to one of his staff in Washington. He followed up on it and found that someone Danny Davis' name had not gotten on the list. And just today it has appeared. Thank you, Representative Davis.
On Saturday, June 15, we are participating in a day of action around impeachment. Are you interested? You can join us at the Oak Park Library from noon to 2 pm in the Third floor Conference room. More details here.
Can you join us for this Dump Trump Social Media Blitz? You can join us virtually, if you can't make it in person.
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Repost things that we are posting about impeachment. Post things of your own. Maybe we should all go to Nancy Pelosi's Twitter account and demand that she not impede an impeachment inquiry any longer.
Let's let her know what we are thinking. Please join us online if not in person. And remember, the hashtag for tomorrow is #ImpeachTrump