Calls For This Week

Here are some petitions to sign

 Tell Congress to sign the Break free from Plastics Act

One of the biggest environmental myths is that our plastic pollution problem will be solved by recycling and more conscious consumers. And while individual action adds up, the truth is that we need big systemic change that addresses the root cause of plastic pollution.

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act will do just that. It is comprehensive legislation that holds the big plastic manufacturers and polluters responsible, rather than consumers or communities. It pauses construction on any new plastic-making facilities. It begins to phase out single-use plastic products that aren't recyclable.

Sign here.




Advocate for the constitutional freedom to peacefully assemble.

Last summer, police violence against Black Americans sparked historic protests across the country. While exercising their First Amendment rights, police and military groups used brutal repression tactics. The current administration has the power to drop unprecedented federal charges against over 350 Black Lives Matter demonstrators. Speak up to make it happen.

Sign: The #DropTheCharges petition to President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Attorney General Garland.

Advocate with and for detained pregnant mothers.

At Karnes Family Prison and other ICE facilities, reports of extreme medical neglect and abuse of Black pregnant mothers and infants are rampant. Several organizations are calling on Secretary Mayorkas to immediately investigate these reports, free all pregnant mothers and infants from detention, and shut down the ill-named Karnes Family Prison.

Sign: This petition to DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

Support the people who feed our nation.

Approximately 50% of agricultural workers are aspiring Americans. The Farm Workforce Modernization Act has passed in the House, and could put farm workers and their families on the road to citizenship and protection from the threat of detention and deportation. It’s time senators passed legislation supporting those who feed America.

Sign: The UFW petition to senators.

Support a humane immigration system in the U.S.

While the Biden administration pledged to review and reset DHS practices, over 15,000 people are currently in ICE custody and face imminent danger of contracting COVID The established interim priorities don’t do enough to protect people in detention.

Sign: The Immigration Justice Campaign petition.







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