Sunday, November 24, 2019

So Really, What Are You Thankful For?

posted by Etta Worthington

Before you take a couple of days of work. Before you sit down to a table of turkey and sides (OK, for me, it’s tofurkey that I make from scratch.) Before you loosen your belt and hunker down on the sofa to watch a football game (and of course fall asleep). 

Before that, let’s start a list of things to be thankful for.
• The Constitution. Yep, that big document you had to read through in eighth grade and pass a test on.  The Constitution. 
• The Impeachment hearings. Which are brought to you by   . . . The Constitution. And a lot of Congresspersons and their staffs, who are working Very Long Hours to get the truth out in front of the American people.

• The Media. Not the part of the media that is a propaganda arm of the White House.  No, I'm talking about the journalists and commentators who work for networks and channels, and magazines, and newspapers, and websites--ones that work to get to the bottom of the story, not just mouth what comes from the White House.

• Leah and Ezra. Yep, those guys, plus the others who got together in 2016 after the election, who wrote the Indivisible Guide.  

The thousands of people who formed Indivisible groups as a result of that guide (and the other resistance groups as well that formed and are active).

• The network of Indivisible groups and leaders and the way that we are able to stay connected and work together to amplify our voices.

• The many opportunities to speak up for what's right: the demonstrations, the phone calling, the visits to legislators, the emails and tweets to these folks.

• The chance to connect with other voters by something as basic as a handwritten postcard--and know that this may encourage someone in a red district to actually get out and vote.
• Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, and other vocal leaders in Congress
• The Congresspeople throughout the country, whether new or long-term, who are standing up against a tyrant.

The many people who take time every month, every week, sometimes every day, to work to make our voices heard.

The people who I've come to know in the last three years, these three years of darkness. Because you folks give me hope and joy. And you are my friends now, people I never would have met if not for the 2016 election.

For the people in my community who may not be in a particular group but who are working hard to create transparent and open government on the most basic of levels. 

Now it's your turn. What are you thankful for?  Add to this list either be responding in the comments section of  this blog. Or at a Facebook post or a Twitter post.

I'll leave you with this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Monday, November 4, 2019

I Don't Want to Wake Up . . .

posted  by Etta Worthington

I don't want to wake up one year from now and discover that we have the same corrupt, traitorous president.
I don't want to wake up one year from now and not want to get out of bed. 

I don't want to wake up one year from now and realize that we have the same gang of Republican thugs and yes-men dominating the Senate.
I don't want to wake up one year from now and dread the next four years.

I don't want to wake up one year from now and find out that the Democrats have lost control of the House.
I don't want to wake up one year from now and feel totally hopeless.

I don't want to, but I am not sure those things won't happen.

I don't want to wake up one year from now and regret that I didn't put more time into influencing how and if people vote in the election.

I don't want to wake up one year from now and grieve that I didn't do everything I could to elect officials who would fight to restore our democracy.

The life and health of our country depends on my commitment of time. On yours.