Monday, December 14, 2020


Dear Friends,


There’s a couple of major things happening today. One is that the first vaccines are shipping and will start to be given to front-line medical workers. Second is that today the electoral college will vote to declare Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election. Officially.  And we have a Supreme Court that is honoring the Constitution.

Isn’t it time we celebrated? It’s been a long hard year. We worked hard to get Joe Biden and Kamala Harris elected. So let’s make our last meeting of the year one of celebration.  This Friday, Dec. 18, we will turn our regular Happy Hour into a year end celebration.  The Happy Hour regularly starts at 4:30 and for this time we will extend it until 6 pm.  As usual, I will mix up a cocktail (I am trying not to repeat any this year--a different one each week). And we’ll have a time to relax, breathe deeply and reflect on all that has happened this year.


Maybe you don’t usually come to our Zoom meetings. Well, we’d love to have you show up this time because it’s a party. Here’s what you need to know to get into our meeting.  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7798 5273 Or you can join by phone at 312-626-6799

We’d like to have you join us. If you can’t make it right at 4:30, no problem. Join at any time.



MON, DEC 14 7 PM

Join with folks from Indivisible Western Springs and write letters to voters in Georgia.  You need to sign up with Sierra Club first to get the addresses. And you need to have a printer so you can print out the letters. And you’ll need to sign up for the Zoom meeting ahead of time.


TUES., DEC 15 10 AM

Western Front Coffee Klatch is on Zoom at

Or by phone at 312-626-6799.  Grab your coffee or tea, and join us.  We’ll talk about what’s happening in the world and maybe do some planning for future events.


7 PM Indivisible National Campaigns Network Call

Join us for updates on GA, 2021 planning, and some holiday cheer! For this call we'll be starting on Tuesday 1at 7 CST and starting some fun activities around 8 pm CST so we can get to know each other better and celebrate the end of the year! This is open to all Indivisibles. Here’s the sign-up link.



Spread the truth. All day. And right now we are focusing on positive messages about the Covid vaccine.  Remember, on social media we DO NOT WANT TO DEBUNK LIES DIRECTLY. That only amplifies them. Instead we will create new posts with the Truth.   Here is a sample:

A COVID vaccine is on the way! It's sad that already, some people are choosing to spread lies that will only prolong this pandemic. Instead of listening to rumors, I hope we come together to listen to the science and support safe, effective vaccines for all. #TruthBrigade

For more information on this campaign, go to this Google doc.


The Midwest continues to experience the worst rates (and deaths) of COVID-19 in the country with numerous leaders failing to meet the moment. At Indivisible, our Midwest coalition has created the Midwest COVID Caucus to address holding our leaders accountable, exposing their lack of response, and bringing people along with us by leading with our values. The first group call will be Thursday, December 17th. If you are interested in joining this Caucus, sign up here.


7 PM 

 Indivisible Rural Illinois meets biweekly on Thursdays at 7:00p. The next call will be December 17th. RSVP for the Indivisible Rural Illinois call here (REMINDER: This is a new link).  The purpose of this group is to support each other as we go forward following the 2020 general election. It is clear that there is a sharp political divide between rural and suburban/urban Illinois. This has been true for a long time but there are many progressives living in rural areas. The project is two-fold: One, strategizing on how we can find like minded progressives in our communities. And, second, how to work toward informing our neighbors about what progressive agenda really is.


FRI  DEC 18  4:30PM



You are coming to our Happy Hour and Year end celebration, right?  Here’s the Zoom link again.



There’s a runoff election in Georgia. You’re probably quite aware of that. 



What can you do? Well, you can donate money, of course.


Never forget that Black and brown organizers in Georgia are the reason that state flipped blue for Joe Biden. Contributions to organizations in Georgia go a long way in paying organizers and supporting their long-term strategy to defeat voter suppression and keep the state blue.

Indivisible Georgia Coalition

Indivisible GA04

Indivisible Georgia Sixth District

Indivisible Lumpkin

Indivisible GA11


Other groups to support

Fair Fight

Black Voters Matter

The New Georgia Project


Indivisible will be having one more National Day of Action Call-A-Thon for Georgia, the day before Election Day.

REGISTER for Georgia Call-A-Thon on Monday, Jan. 4th


There are other organizations that do have additional phonebanking opportunities, including Fair Fight, Black Voters Matter, and both campaigns (Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock).



We do have prolific postcard writers in this group and if you can contribute either rolls of stamps or money for stamps to send these, that would be appreciated. Our fundraising link on ActBlue has been reactivated. Can you afford to help us get stamps and to fund the ongoing work of Western Front. Here is the link to contribute.


In conclusion, please stay safe as you celebrate the many holidays of this month. 


And keep on believing,



Monday, November 30, 2020

ACTIONS for week of NOVEMBER 30th

Dear Fellow Activists,


I hope you had a relaxing long weekend and got a chance to think more about the things you are grateful for. I ran across this quote and wanted to share it with you.


I felt something yesterday I haven't felt in a while: Hope. We have worked so hard for four years. We have had so many awful, low moments. But we've proved that hopeful actions DO succeed in carrying us to a better place. So while we have SO MUCH work yet to do, I want to take a few days to feel awe inspired by what we've just done. As I've said so many times before, what we focus on grows. So I encourage you to spend this week in simple gratitude. We're not done; I'll still be phonebanking tomorrow, and on Monday we'll resume our calls--there is so much more to build!--but for this week, barring anything unforeseen happening, let's mostly just enjoy.

         From Jessica Craven, Chop Wood Carry Water Daily Actions Newsletter



Do you have a new calendar (if you use a physician calendar)?  Ready to throw out 2020 and start with a crisp clean new 2021?  Well, I know for sure, you probably have January 20th circled on the calendar. The Inauguration, of course.  But here’s another date to put down: January 13th.  It will be a day of action--a signal to the new Administration and the new Senate and new Congress that we have very important issues that we will demand our lawmakers address.

What is it exactly? We don’t know yet. But ot’s called The People Lead. And we will start brainstorming what that might be. So come to our Coffee Klatch on Tuesday at 10 and/or our Happy Hour on Friday at 4:30 and join the conversation. 




I know we all have major concerns about the runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th.  Are you writing postcards? I have run out of them but you can order them directly from Postcards To Swing States.


There’s more to be done than postcards. We have been encouraged to reach out to Georgia organizations to find out how we can help.  They need money to mount this challenge.  They need volunteers, for things like phone banking and text banking. Go to this Google doc and find out what organizations there are and what help they need.


From Indivisible

One part of our fight is over, but another one is beginning. We’re hoping that this January will be different, but Indivisibles are ready to activate and organize and make calls and write op-eds and protest with cardboard cut-outs again because we’re working towards restoring and strengthening our democracy. 

With Giving Tuesday coming up on December 1, we’re spending the next month reminiscing on our biggest wins and all the hard work that made it possible. Be on the lookout for more emails in this series about the strength of this movement. We’ll be sharing stories all month long, so make sure you’re following us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also receive updates by texting the word ‘Indivisible’ to 977-79.



MON. NOV. 30    7 PM

You don’t have to have postcards to write to voters in Georgia. Vote Forward still has letters to adopt that will be mailed on Dec. 7th. You can register for letters with them here: Vote Forward and Indivisible. And, if you want to write letters with other folks.

Here is the Zoom registration link for the  meeting. You must register ahead of time.  This is organized by Indivisible Western Springs.  Hope to see you there!


 TUES., DEC. 1   10 AM

Join us for Coffee Klatch.  Here is the Zoom information  Meeting ID: 858 4430 6450   Or by phone at 312-626-6799  Join us for conversation and discussions about how our activism will continue in 2021.



WED., DEC. 2  5 PM

You can phonebank to Georgia Voters. REGISTER for Georgia Call-A-Thon on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd  Phonebanking is proven to increase turnout the most out of all these resources, and remember that about 20% of the country does not have access to broadband. Sometimes phone calls are the only way people can get information about the election.


THUR., DEC. 3   7 PM

Indivisible National Activist Call. All group leaders, group members and other Indivisible activists are welcome. This is only one hour, webinar format, and is extremely informative. Register here to get a link to attend.

THUR., DEC. 3   7 PM

Indivisible Rural Illinois meets biweekly on Thursdays at 7:00p. The next call will be December 3rd. RSVP for the Indivisible Rural Illinois calls here.

The purpose of this group is to support each other as we go forward following the 2020 general election.  It is clear that there is a sharp political divide between rural and suburban/urban Illinois. This has been true for a long time but there are many progressives living in rural areas. We talked about how to be allies to rural progressives at our last Happy Hour. IF this interests you, why not go to this Zoom.


FRI. DEC. 4   4:30PM

We have our weekly HAPPY HOUR at 4:30 pm.  This is a warm and friendly collection of folks and we welcome people from other Indivisible groups and other progressive groups.  Meeting ID: 810 7798 5273   Or by phone at 312-626-6799    Let’s talk about what we need to do in this lame-duck session before the new administration takes over. Read this to get an overview of possibilities.


FRI. DEC. 4   7:00PM

Also on Friday at 7 pm, there’s a virtual postcard writing party by Indivisible DuPage.  Get together with others. Here’s all the info. This is a great way to write postcards in the (virtual) company of others.



Would you like to get more involved with the regular operation of Western Front? Well, you can.  We (I) need help. We need help with planning meetings. With attending national and state Zoom meetings and giving reports.  With maintaining  WFI’s FB pages and Group, and our Twitter account. And we need help with creating and sending out the weekly action list.  It you would like to get more involved, please email us at



Please! Let’s all be super careful these days. I know it’s going to be a hard time for this next month especially, and then for the winter months. We are going to want to spend time with people. But stay apart. And stay healthy and alive. Vaccines will be coming!


Have a good week,




Monday, November 23, 2020

What You Can Do About COVID-19 in Prisons


Advocate for the health of people in prisons.

Part 1: Email your governor (look up).

Script 1: Infectious disease is spreading quickly in prisons, and I’m concerned for everyone who lives and works in these facilities. I’m asking that you exercise your powers to mitigate harm to people by:

    1. Commuting sentences and granting clemency to release vulnerable people from incarceration, including those 60 and older and others at high risk. 
    2. Releasing nonviolent offenders and those with under two years remaining on their sentences. 
    3. Implementing testing of the entire prison population, including correctional officers, staff nurses, and chaplains.

Part 2: Contact your state corrections department (look up). 

Script 2: Infectious disease is spreading quickly in prisons, and I’m concerned for everyone who lives and works in these facilities. With COVID-19 deaths on the rise in prisons, I’m asking that parole not be revoked for technical violations while we remain in a pandemic.

Part 3: Contact your district attorney (look up).

Script 3: Infectious disease is spreading quickly in prisons, and I’m concerned for everyone who lives and works in these facilities. I’m asking that you reduce bail to $0 for all low-level, nonviolent offenses to reduce the number of new people entering the system during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Call (again) for the release of all detained aspiring Americans as COVID-19 spreads.

Email: Your state governor (look up).

Script: Hello, I’m writing (again) from [ZIP] about taxpayer-funded ICE detention centers, where confirmed COVID cases are rising and people are dying. Allowing the virus to spread unchecked among staff and people in detention is unacceptable. I am calling on you to protect Americans and aspiring Americans alike by using your emergency powers to evacuate all detention centers in [STATE] immediately. I am confident you share my concern for the welfare of all people. Thank you. 

These actions come from Americans of Conscience Checklist. You can subscribe by going here.

Monday, November 9, 2020



My fellow Americans,

Wasn’t it great to hear that from the lips of our President-Elect on Saturday? Wasn’t it wonderful to have him act and sound and be Presidential? At least we can breathe again. I hope you celebrated some the last couple of days.   “The next chapter of American politics won’t be easy,” writes a columnist from the New York Times. “But this one — squalid, terrifying, degrading, tragic — is almost over.”





We all know the numbers. There are two runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th. Both Senate races are up which means that it is POSSIBLE that the Democrats could gain two seats in the Senate.  And this is critical because if we win these, the numbers will be 50-50. Meaning that any tie votes in the Senate will be decided by the Vice President’s vote, Kamala Harris.


The Rev. Raphael Warnock did lead incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler but did not reach 50% of the vote. U.S. Sen. David Perdue was forced into a January runoff against Democrat Jon Ossoff when the former’s total of votes went under 50%. Wow! Two incumbent Republicans in Georgia are forced to reface their Democrat challengers.


On Wednesday I got a text from Reid McCollum (from  He said the postcards were on the way to the printer and that they’d be available by next weekend, and how many did I want?


I am telling him 10,000. These will need to be mailed on Dec. 26.  The message is simple, Reid claims. So now I need help from you. I already have people asking for about 2,000 cards. That leaves maybe 8,000. Will you step up and help?  


The postcards will be packed in 100s. You will be provided with names and addresses, and a simple message that you must write on the card.  And you will need to put stamps on the cards. And think of it: if we send out 10,000 postcards to Georgia, we will need 10,000 postcard stamps (35 cent stamps). That means we need $3,500 to send out these cards. Now some folks are able to easily cover the cost for the 100 or 200 they write.  But we have some very passionate writers who will write many more cards than they can afford. And this is where everyone can help. Maybe you can’t write cards, but you can contribute to the postage fund.  Whatever--we ALL need to be part of this push to get two more Senate seats.  Please let us know by clicking here that you will be part of this effort!


And there are phonebanks coming!  We already have signup info for John Ossoff’s campaign. You can sign up here for daily phonebank shifts.



Yes, we will still be Zooming to stay connected and to get things done.


Tuesdays at 10 AM we have our weekly Coffee Klatch. Zoom info is this:   Meeting ID: 858 4430 6450

Or by phone at 312-626-6799


Then there is our weekly Happy Hour, which is always at 4:30 PM on Fridays, where we have cocktails being mixed up and we talk about what has been happening and what we can do.  This week our Happy Hour will be shortened to a half hour and then we will start our regular monthly meeting at 5 pm. This only goes to 6 pm and we will talk about all the ways we can influence the Georgia race. And will talk about what the priorities should be for the new administration. Finally, we'll talk about the truths we should be spreading instead of amplifying falsehoods from the other side. Please join us at 4:30 if you can, but definitely by 5 pm. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7798 5273  Or by phone at 312-626-6799



Well of course, we learned as children not to lie. Unfortunately some of our behaviors help to spread lies.  That is if we repost something on Facebook or Twitter. Or if we respond to a post. Or if we comment, even to debunk it.  Any of those things just amplify the lie. And we have to stop doing that.


Join The Truth Brigade and start spreading the truth. Here’s the link. You’ll get instructions on how to do this, and information on the latest truth-telling campaigns.  Also, you can share or cut and paste posts that we create on our Twitter Account or our Facebook Page.  Here’s a sample post you can use:


We all need to have confidence in #Election2020. And so we can: Claims of #VoterFraud have been examined & they're not holding up. George W. Bush agrees: "This election was fundamentally fair. Its integrity will be upheld & its outcome is clear." #TruthBrigade 


Please be part of this.



Of course, it is something we all think about. Of course, we don’t know how Trump will respond during these 70 plus final days. I’ve got to think there are some cooler heads around him that will moderate his impulses--to save their own butts if nothing else.


But it could be that we will need to protest some action and their may be a call to obilize very quickly. To be a part of this national mobilization, you can sign up at this link:

It has a placeholder date of December 1 and a placeholder location.  If you sign up, you will be notified immediately of an action that is scheduled.  We may not need this but if you are interested in protesting, please sign up.



And I do hope I see you Friday. Please take a walk today if you can and enjoy the fresh air and sun and the sense of hope.


We keep on fighting,

