Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What Judges Should I Vote For?

 How many times have you  gone to vote and  felt totally unprepared when it can to voting on judicial candidates.

My friend Jim Poznak spends time figuring out for whom he wants to vote, and he graciously shares it. He says, "As before, I compiled the list from the recommendations of 13 bar associations. Also as before, I gave a Vote No to any candidate who received a Vote No from any bar association, even if other bar associations recommended the candidate."

 And he also says it's okay  to send the list or to forward this email to others in your networks.

Here are the links:




November, 2020, Judicial Candidates Voting Guide Circuit Court Replacements -

Replace Bellows
Vote No: Tiesha L. Smith

Replace C. Sheehan
Vote No: Maura McMahon Zeller

1st Subcircuit - Replace Brooks Vote No: Krista D. Butler

12th Subcircuit - Replace Hanlon Vote For Patricia M. Fallon

13th Subcircuit - Replace Kulys Hoffman Vote For Gary William Seyring

14th Subcircuit - Replace Lacy Vote No: Perla Tirado

Vote Yes for all the other candidates
Circuit Court Retention - Vote No for the following candidates:

Patricia Manila Martin
Laura Marie Sullivan 

Mauricio Araujo
Jackie Marie Portman-Brown 

Daniel J. Kubasiak

John J. Mahoney 

Diana Rosario

Vote Yes for all the other candidates