Dear Friends,
Did you make it to the #Indivisible Writing Marathon that we hosted last weekend? It was an entertaining and exhausting 24 hours. We made new friends. And we have results!
Yes, that’s right! We exceeded our goal of 2500 postcards. We made new friends. We had visits by Indivisible’s Ezra Levin, Postcards to Voters Tony the Democrat, Marie Newman, Dani Brzozowski, Rev. Greg Taylor from Souls to the Polls, Reid McCullom from Postcards to Swing Voters, and more.
One participant said to me, “I am filled with more hope for the future than I was 25 hours ago.” THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WAS INVOLVED IN THIS EVENT, both planning and executing it.
I know that the last week was tough, in terms of the news, but let’s find hope (and there is a lot to be hopeful for) and go out with renewed energy in this fight. What follows is a calendar for the week. Pay special attention to Saturday. Please try and be part of this opportunity.
6 6PM DPOP for Underwood weekly virtual phone bank
Mondays, 6:00-8:00pm
Support Lauren Underwood's bid for reelection in IL-14. Every Monday at 6:00pm this virtual phone bank will begin with a Zoom social hosted by a campaign staffer who will offer training and will be available to answer questions throughout the call.
Sign up at:
7 PM Letter Writing
Join Western Springs Indivisible with their weekly Vote Forward LetterWriting campaign. Zoom Link here. Meeting ID: 861 2205 7009 Password: 31098
10 AM Join us for Coffee Klatch. We’ll be talking about the Postcard Writing Marathon and what we learned from that. Meeting ID: 890 5259 5363 Passcode: 856207
7-8 PM What you need to know about Voting in the Pandemic by Joyce Williams. Event details and how to register here.
8 - 9:30 PM VP Debate
This is bound to be better than the prudential debates, and who doesn’t want to see Kamala in action? This will be on major networks
6 PM
Biden and Harris Phone Bank with the Oak Park Dems
Every Thursday phone bank to battleground states! There only 4 more Thursdays until Election Day. Don't wake up on November 4 regretting that you didn't do more to give Joe Biden and Kamala Harris a decisive win. Meet up on Zoom as we call voters in battleground states. We'll start with training before making calls. All you'll need is a computer and a phone. Note: you must use Chrome or Firefox for this phone bank. Safari does not work with the automatic dialer. Please download Firefox or Chrome in advance if you are a Safari user. Please sign up here to receive the Zoom link.
7 PM Protect the Results
Sign up for this webinar about how we will proceed if Trump does not accept the results.
4:30 PM Happy Hour and Monthly meeting
Ordinarily we have our monthly meeting on a Saturday but we want to participate in the Indivisible Calling for Change event on Saturday, so we will start our usual Happy Hour at 4:30 and then have the regular meeting at 5 pm. Come learn what we will be doing in the last days and weeks before the election. And what we might need to do afterwards.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 899 2730 3978 Or by phone at 312-626-6799
4-7 PM
Join Indivisibles across the Midwest for Calling for Change: Indivisible Phonebank with Bingo! There will be guest speakers, highlights from our groups, and a full 2 hours of phonebanking to one of the most important swing states in the country, Wisconsin. Never phonebanked before? That's ok! You will need a laptop/tablet, your cell phone, and internet access. To get familiarized with phonebanking on Hubdialer before the Zoom event, view our training video here. Then PLEASE REGISTER HERE.
We cannot let Donald Trump destroy RBG’s legacy by replacing her a conservative extremist. If Trump is successful at getting Amy Coney Barrett confirmed, the Court will work to preserve the Trump agenda for decades to come. Key issues that affect us all hang in the balance, including reproductive rights, access to health care, LGBTQ rights, environmental protections, and much more. The next Supreme Court justice could also rule on cases involving Trump himself, including the fate of the 2020 Presidential Election.
Call your Senators now and demand they REFUSE to consider any Supreme Court Justice until the new president is inaugurated. The American people deserve to have their voice heard in what could shift the courts irreparably for our lifetimes.
Senator Duckworth | DC: 202-224-2854 | Chicago 312-886-3506 | Email Sen. Duckworth or call another office
Senator Durbin | DC: 202-224-2152 | Chicago 312-353-4952 | Email Sen. Durbin or call another office
Script: Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP CODE] I’m calling to demand Senate Democrats block any Supreme Court nominee advanced by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. Democrats must refuse to hold any hearings or confirm any new justice until after the inauguration of the next president--and they should publicly say so, right now. We cannot let Justice Ginsburg’s replacement be a right-wing conservative ally of Donald Trump. I will be closely watching for [Senator]’s actions to slow down all Senate business as much as possible if Donald Trump nominates a Supreme Court justice and Mitch McConnell allows a vote on their nomination, and I will be following up.
Learn to textbank for Lauren Underwood. Sign up here.
Here is the schedule of textbank opportunities through Indivisible Chicago. These include trainings.
Phonebanking into states with Senate races and swing states are of utmost importance, especially in light of RBG’s death.
Indivisible National Phonebank Bingo
Hubdialer schedule // Sign up for a shift here
Volunteer with the Wisconsin Voter Protection Team! Wisconsin is often referred to as the breaking point state—as goes Wisconsin, so goes the country. That means that Voter Protection is more important than ever. Every vote is critical, every voter should have their vote count, and every voter we can help make their voice heard brings us one step closer to taking our country back. Check out the different types of volunteering opportunities we offer and see which ones sound right for you, whether you live in Wisconsin or not! Sign up here to volunteer.
do NOT respond in any way to a post that has wrong or misleading information. Spread the truth in a different post. AND please sign up for the Truth Brigade. There’s a new campaign every two weeks. Sign-up link
And you can follow both Indivisible Brookfield and Western Front Indivisible on Facebook and Twitter so see some good examples of spreading the truth. You can share or copy and paste these posts.
Please email us at if you have questions about what you can do to make a difference in the outcome of the election. We still have a few postcards left, but remember, they must be ready to get in the mail by October 21st. Let us know if you need some.
Have you gotten your mail-in ballot? Do you know where and when early voting starts? Have concerns about voting on election day? Here’s a link for options from Cook County Board of elections. Remember, if you live in a different county, please consult your own county’s board of elections.
I just received my mail-in ballot on Saturday and will be filling that out and depositing it in a dropbox at an early voting site. Find out where early voting sites are and when they are open by going here.
One last thing. A number! Twenty eight--that’s how many days until the election. What will you do? What will you do to make a difference in this election?
Join me in the fight,