Dear Fellow Activists,
I hope you had a relaxing long weekend and got a chance to think more about the things you are grateful for. I ran across this quote and wanted to share it with you.
I felt something yesterday I haven't felt in a while: Hope. We have worked so hard for four years. We have had so many awful, low moments. But we've proved that hopeful actions DO succeed in carrying us to a better place. So while we have SO MUCH work yet to do, I want to take a few days to feel awe inspired by what we've just done. As I've said so many times before, what we focus on grows. So I encourage you to spend this week in simple gratitude. We're not done; I'll still be phonebanking tomorrow, and on Monday we'll resume our calls--there is so much more to build!--but for this week, barring anything unforeseen happening, let's mostly just enjoy.
From Jessica Craven, Chop Wood Carry Water Daily Actions Newsletter
Do you have a new calendar (if you use a physician calendar)? Ready to throw out 2020 and start with a crisp clean new 2021? Well, I know for sure, you probably have January 20th circled on the calendar. The Inauguration, of course. But here’s another date to put down: January 13th. It will be a day of action--a signal to the new Administration and the new Senate and new Congress that we have very important issues that we will demand our lawmakers address.
I know we all have major concerns about the runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th. Are you writing postcards? I have run out of them but you can order them directly from Postcards To Swing States.
There’s more to be done than postcards. We have been encouraged to reach out to Georgia organizations to find out how we can help. They need money to mount this challenge. They need volunteers, for things like phone banking and text banking. Go to this Google doc and find out what organizations there are and what help they need.
From Indivisible
One part of our fight is over, but another one is beginning. We’re hoping that this January will be different, but Indivisibles are ready to activate and organize and make calls and write op-eds and protest with cardboard cut-outs again because we’re working towards restoring and strengthening our democracy.
With Giving Tuesday coming up on December 1, we’re spending the next month reminiscing on our biggest wins and all the hard work that made it possible. Be on the lookout for more emails in this series about the strength of this movement. We’ll be sharing stories all month long, so make sure you’re following us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also receive updates by texting the word ‘Indivisible’ to 977-79.
MON. NOV. 30 7 PM
You don’t have to have postcards to write to voters in Georgia. Vote Forward still has letters to adopt that will be mailed on Dec. 7th. You can register for letters with them here: Vote Forward and Indivisible. And, if you want to write letters with other folks.
Here is the Zoom registration link for the meeting. You must register ahead of time. This is organized by Indivisible Western Springs. Hope to see you there!
TUES., DEC. 1 10 AM
Join us for Coffee Klatch. Here is the Zoom information Meeting ID: 858 4430 6450 Or by phone at 312-626-6799 Join us for conversation and discussions about how our activism will continue in 2021.
WED., DEC. 2 5 PM
You can phonebank to Georgia Voters. REGISTER for Georgia Call-A-Thon on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd Phonebanking is proven to increase turnout the most out of all these resources, and remember that about 20% of the country does not have access to broadband. Sometimes phone calls are the only way people can get information about the election.
THUR., DEC. 3 7 PM
Indivisible National Activist Call. All group leaders, group members and other Indivisible activists are welcome. This is only one hour, webinar format, and is extremely informative. Register here to get a link to attend.
THUR., DEC. 3 7 PM
Indivisible Rural Illinois meets biweekly on Thursdays at 7:00p. The next call will be December 3rd. RSVP for the Indivisible Rural Illinois calls here.
The purpose of this group is to support each other as we go forward following the 2020 general election. It is clear that there is a sharp political divide between rural and suburban/urban Illinois. This has been true for a long time but there are many progressives living in rural areas. We talked about how to be allies to rural progressives at our last Happy Hour. IF this interests you, why not go to this Zoom.
FRI. DEC. 4 4:30PM
We have our weekly HAPPY HOUR at 4:30 pm. This is a warm and friendly collection of folks and we welcome people from other Indivisible groups and other progressive groups. Meeting ID: 810 7798 5273 Or by phone at 312-626-6799 Let’s talk about what we need to do in this lame-duck session before the new administration takes over. Read this to get an overview of possibilities.
FRI. DEC. 4 7:00PM
Also on Friday at 7 pm, there’s a virtual postcard writing party by Indivisible DuPage. Get together with others. Here’s all the info. This is a great way to write postcards in the (virtual) company of others.
Would you like to get more involved with the regular operation of Western Front? Well, you can. We (I) need help. We need help with planning meetings. With attending national and state Zoom meetings and giving reports. With maintaining WFI’s FB pages and Group, and our Twitter account. And we need help with creating and sending out the weekly action list. It you would like to get more involved, please email us at
Please! Let’s all be super careful these days. I know it’s going to be a hard time for this next month especially, and then for the winter months. We are going to want to spend time with people. But stay apart. And stay healthy and alive. Vaccines will be coming!
Have a good week,