Dear Concerned Citizens,
Let’s do some talking this week. I mean talking to our elected officials. And you know what we should be talking to them about? Voter Suppression, of course. We need to have both the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Advancement Act passed. Oh, and Statehood for DC as well. And there are some other important bills. So what I am asking you is this: will you call Senator Durbin’s office and call Senator Duckworth’s office (phone numbers here) and use the following script:
Your script:
Hi, I’m from [ZIP] calling/writing about several issues. I’d like Sen. [NAME] to: Pass the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act (S. 745) to expand broadband access to all communities.
Support the American Families Plan to reform tax codes, SNAP policies, and access to higher education. Pass S. 1, the For the People Act, which enjoys broad bipartisan support, will limit dangerous voter suppression efforts, and will establish sensible national standards for reforms like enfranchising returning
citizens and election-day registration.
And will you call your Representative as well? Don’t know who it is? Look up your House representative here.
Your script: Hi, I’m from [ZIP] calling/writing about several issues. I’d like Rep. [NAME] to:
Pass the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act (H.R. 1783) to expand broadband access to all communities.
Support the American Families Plan to reform tax codes, SNAP policies, and access to higher education.
Pass the bipartisan Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076) to ensure the financial stability of the Postal Service, which employs more than 600,000 people and provides crucial infrastructure for rural America.
MAYBE all you have time for this week is to sign some petitions, and if that is the case, we have several we’ll suggest and here they are.
How about some gratitude in the form of a written postcard? Tell Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D–AZ) and Maricopa, AZ County Recorder Stephen Richer (R) why you are grateful to them for standing up for the integrity of the 2020 election in the face of an unsubstantiated county vote audit.
KH: Office of the SOS, 1700 W Washington St. Fl 7, Phoenix, AZ 85007
SR: Recorder’s Office, 111 S. Third Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85003
And don’t forget we are writing postcards to first time progressive voters in key swing states right now. Do you want some postcards to write on your own? OR do you want to be part of our next in-person postcard writing party? If so, email us at
You can phone bank to activists in key states to encourage them to urge their senators to pass the For the People Act. There is training as well as support on Zoom throughout each phone bank. Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays, 6-8pm (ET). Now through June. This is through Common Cause and the signup link is here.
The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council is seeking public input on a series of recommendations to the Biden Administration to address environmental justice issues across the United States. Air and water pollution caused by coal mining, toxic coal ash spills, and natural gas pipelines are a few examples of such problems in our region. These issues often impact low-income people and people of color the most, and there is a strong need for communities impacted by fossil fuels to build vibrant, diversified economies.
Public comments will be accepted in writing until May 27. To submit a written comment, email
A new study released by the Violence Policy Center reveals Illinois ranks fifth in the nation in black homicides. 86% involved a gun. The study underlines the inherent equity issues of gun violence and the urgent need to address this crisis. Black men, women, boys, and girls were only 14 percent of our nation’s population, yet accounted for 50 percent of all homicide victims. Lawmakers can address this crisis by passing the Block Illegal Ownership And Fix The FOID (BIO) policy in Springfield today. The BIO policy would require mandatory fingerprinting for all FOID cards and universal background checks, keeping guns off our streets and away from dangerous individuals. It will also make investments in community-based mental health resources in the communities that experience the most gun violence. Click this link to take action.
Last week, residents from across Central and Southern Illinois travelled to St. Louis to rally outside Ameren's headquarters in support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act. You can watch this short clip of the rally here CEJA will hold utilities like Ameren accountable - tell your legislators to pass the bill this month!
The Indigenous Peoples' Day Coalition is close to getting Cook County to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day, but is not quite there yet. We need as many e-mails as we can get (let's try to break 1,500!) sent to the Cook County Commissioners before Monday, May 24th at 2 PM! At the moment, we only have 5-6 votes of 17 and we need 9 for this change to be made. Here is the link:
24 MON
11 AM - 1 PM
Please join Newtown Action Alliance Monday, May 24 - from 11am-1pm CST. We will be asking Senate Democrats to heed Sen Tammy Duckworth's request that her colleagues support the $5B in funding for community violence prevention in Biden’s American Jobs Plan and for their support in ending the filibuster. You do not have to join for the whole time - just join us when you can. Register here:…
7 PM Climate Working Group
Join National Indivisible's 2021 climate working group! This working group will bring together Indivisibles from across the country to coordinate federal and state advocacy efforts around climate justice issues.
George Floyd Day of Action
It’s the Anniversary of George Floyd’s death. There are a number of related actions you can take on this day. Go to this link to explore them:
10 AM Coffee Klatch
Join us. We’ll talk about all that’s happened in the year since George Floyd’s murder, and also, look forward to what we will do in June.
Join this meeting from Swing Left for a briefing with S1 Lead Sponsor Sen. Merkley to hear updates on how we'll get this transformative bill passed--I'm sure he'll share updates on how leadership is taking Manchin's statements, and how we can best bring him and all moderate Dems around. Here’s the link to sign up.
26 WED
5:30 PM Truth Brigade Call
A new campaign will be launched this week and you can be one of the first to know about it. Learn how to tell the truth on social media (and in person).
7:30 PM Truth Brigade Illinois meets for a half hour. We’ll be talking about using the Story function on Facebook and also will have a brief overview of the new national campaign.
8:00 PM Illinois Indivisible meeting. Find out what’s happening in the state as well as national updates. Here’s the link for both meetings:
7 PM
Once a month, rural Indivisibles and organizers all over the country join together to troubleshoot problems and celebrate successes; receive rural-specific information and trainings to benefit rural advocacy; and learn how National Indivisible supports rural organizing across the country!
To pass the For the People Act (H.R. 1/S. 1) – the boldest and most sweeping bill in decades to realize the promise of our democracy – it is important that as many Americans as possible know we can protect the freedom to vote and limit big money in politics! There are still many Americans who do not yet know what’s at stake for our democracy and our communities if we do not act – we must change that. Storytelling is a powerful tool for engaging and energizing people around a cause.
Join this host meeting to learn how to host your own “Our Democracy Story” storytelling workshop in your community! We will talk through step by step how you can host a workshop that uses the power of personal storytelling to educate and energize others around the For the People Act - even folks who have never thought about or been involved in democracy work before! Sign up here.
28 FRI
12 - 2 PM
Be part of #FilibusterFriday with our own Social Media Storm. We’ll have a Zoom room open if you want to join that way. Here’s the link. You don’t have to join us by Zoom, but can start tweeting and posting on Facebook on your own. Here’s a link to a toolkit to help. Please note especially resources and possible posts re For the People Act. Or you can follow us on Twitter or follow us on Facebook and share our posts or cut and paste and share as your own.
4:30 PM
It’s Happy Hour time and this week we’re going to watch Suppressed 2020 as a group and then talk about it. Here’s the Zoom link for the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 2019 9867 If you can’t join us for this screening, why not watch it sometime this week. Here’s the link for this film on YouTube.
WOW! There’s lots you can do this week. But make sure you do something restorative for yourself as well. Here’s what I do.
And I have one last request. Would you consider donating to Western Front Indivisible? We need resources for our postcarding programs as well as other meeting and program expenses. We have until the end of the month to meet our $500 goal, which will be matched by Indivisible. Right now we are $100 short of our goal. Will you help us? You can donate through Act Blue by going here.
If you want to hear more late breaking news on things we should be concerned about or acting on, please join our Facebook group or to follow us on Twitter. And email us at if you have questions or concerns.
Keep on growing,
For Western Front Indivisible
PS If you would like to submit items for the Action List, please email them to by Saturday at 5 PM