This information comes to us from Brigid Leahy, Senior Director of Public Policy, Planned Parenthood of Illinois. Here's what she has to say, and an invitation to learn more.
"Opponents of safe, legal abortion are doing everything they can to stop the Reproductive Health Act and the repeal of Parental Notice of Abortion Act, including spreading false information about the bills and medical care in general.
We want you to have the facts. Please join an Emergency Telephone Town Hall on Monday, April 1st at 7:00 PM to hear from bill sponsors and advocates fighting to pass these bills.
"Opponents of safe, legal abortion are doing everything they can to stop the Reproductive Health Act and the repeal of Parental Notice of Abortion Act, including spreading false information about the bills and medical care in general.
We want you to have the facts. Please join an Emergency Telephone Town Hall on Monday, April 1st at 7:00 PM to hear from bill sponsors and advocates fighting to pass these bills.
Speakers include:
Representative Emanuel "Chris" Welch; Representative Sara Feigenholtz;
Jennifer Welch, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood of Illinois; an
Illinois Caucus of Adolescent Health Youth Advocate, and more.
Legislation establishing reproductive rights in Illinois law was introduced in the Illinois House over six weeks ago, but THERE HAS BEEN NO ACTION. These bills are in real danger of not moving forward unless we demand our state legislators act now and protect our rights.
More than a dozen lawsuits attacking Roe v. Wade are making their way through the lower courts. One of these cases could be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court this year! If Roe v. Wade is
overturned, or undermined by the Supreme Court, harmful portions of the
current Illinois law that are blocked by the courts could be re
litigated. We don’t have time to waste.
is clear that anti-abortion politicians, emboldened by the Trump
administration and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, will say and do
anything to put safe, legal abortion out of reach for people nationwide.
Don’t be fooled, get the facts at the Emergency Telephone Town Hall on Monday, April 1 at 7:00 p.m. to learn how you
can help defend reproductive rights and eliminate barriers to
reproductive health care."
So, can you make it to this important phone meeting?