posted by Etta Worthington
I got an email from Donald Trump today. Well, actually it
was from the Trump-Pence re-election campaign.
How did I get on this email list you might ask? Not sure. Maybe
it was because I kept mailing back those surveys I got from the Republican
party about how well Trump was doing. You can imagine my answers.
These are the first three paragraphs from the letters:
just watched Democrats EMBARRASS themselves at the Mueller hearing. Even after
I was completely EXONERATED, they still can’t give up the WITCH HUNT.
Ummmm. Well, where
do I begin?
“Did you
actually totally exonerate the president?” a question by House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler to Mueller
during the hearing.
“No,” Mueller
And from the
Intelligence Committee:
"It is not
a witch hunt," Mueller said after Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam
Schiff, D-Calif., noted that the president had often condemned the probe as
just that. (from an article
by NBC news July 24, 2019 By Alex Seitz-Wald)
This is the Democrat Party that has embraced SOCIALISM as their official
platform and completely abandoned all sanity.
What? Since when? Yes, there are a couple of Democratic
members of Congress who are unafraid of connecting with the idea of Socialism,
notably Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but
the rest? Not so much.
There are no
agreed on definitions of socialism. But most self-described socialists in the
U.S. today don't want a government-run economy but an "economy where the
government has a larger role to play in guaranteeing the basic necessities of
life," said Michael Kazin. (By
Kathryn Watson, CBS
news, March 7, 2019)
Democrats have made it clear that radical big government socialists like
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar are calling the shots now. That’s why
their party continues to prioritize illegal immigrants over the American people.
AOC and Ilhan
Omar are calling the shots?
who represents one fourth of the freshmen Democratic quartet commonly known as "The Squad,"
has butted heads with Pelosi, most notably in recent days over a dispute for
funding to aid the humanitarian crisis at the US southern border. Shortly after
Congress addressed the issue, Pelosi made incendiary comments to The New York Times about
how the group of progressive freshmen "didn't have any following" in
Congress, leading Ocasio-Cortez to tell The Washington Post that
Pelosi has been "singling out" freshman congresswomen of color with
her criticism."
Well, Pelosi and
AOC met today. To “clear the air,” the Speaker said. But The Squad calling the shots? Definitely
So, how does
this connect to geometry? I loved the class actually, when I took it in ninth
grade. I loved the protractor that I had to carry. But mostly I loved proving
theorems. And that involved connecting
to things that were known to be true, and then building on those knows to prove
that another thing is true.
I admit. My proofs were often much longer than my
geometry teacher wanted. (I’m a writer, after all.) But I liked how you could go about supporting
a statement based on assembling other known truths and come up with a truth
that others would accept.
Oh yes, truth.
Something the head of our government knows very little about. And as to proving something based on other
truths . . . Well.
Come to think
of it, maybe he is doing what I learned to do in geometry class. But he is
basing it on lies.
it works for some people.