Monday, February 24, 2020


Happy Monday, activist friends, 

Yes, there are many good things to report as you look back. Read this from Jen Hoffman.

Yes, you can now vote in the primary election. Go here to find locations and times. And choose paper ballot. A more secure option.

First, you know you can do something to help Daniel Epstein to get elected to the Illinois State Supreme Court. To volunteer, go to his website.

But the other judges. How do you know who to vote for?  Check out this website.  Please note that Supreme Court Justice candidate Daniel Epstein is listed as not recommended because he doesn’t have the length of experience that the bar associations required for evaluation. However, go to Daniel’s website to read about his platform. 

Meet on Monday, February 24, 7 pm at Buzz Cafe, 905 S. Lombard, Oak Park. Residents from OP, RF,and FP get together to discuss efforts to live a plastic-free life.

ALSO, there are Witness Slips to sign for legislation in committee this week in Springfield. Go to this link, which we will keep updated.  There are links to everything you need to know for filling out these witness slips. It doesn’t take long to fill out each slip.


Show up early at 5:30 you can also participate in Ella’s Diner, and write postcards for Students Votes Matter.

7 PM Indivisible West Suburban Action project monthly meeting at Riverside Public Library,1 Burling Rd, Riverside

5:30 - 8:00  Canvass and Phonebank for Kina Collins at 7311 W North Ave, River Forest

Noon to 2 PM Lunch and Postcards at Salerno’s Pizza, 7128 Roosevelt Rd., Oak PArk. We’ll be writing postcards to voters in Wisconsin.

7:30 PM  Monthly National Activism Call from Indivisible national.  If you want to listen in on this call to find out the state of things in Washington and planned responses, email us at and we will give you the link to register. You MUST register for the call in advance.

Have you called your members of Congress this week?  Go to our page Calls for this Week for information.

10 AM - 4 PM  Canvass for Marie Newman in Summit and meet at the Dunkin Donuts, 5615 S. Harlem, Chicago

Canvass for Elizabeth Warren in the Oak Park area. Shifts are available at 9 AM, at 12, at 3, and at 6. Sign up form is here.

They’ve opened up some more training sessions for doing weekday daytime voter registration in Milwaukee.  But you will need to grab a time if you are interested. Go here to sign up.

Sign up to text voters in key states with the Payback Project. We’re thrilled to be launching a new peer-to-peer textbanking campaign to engage voters across nine target states to take action with Indivisibles in their area and mobilize locally to flip their Senate seats. Textbanking is like canvassing or phonebanking, but over text message using an online platform that doesn’t reveal your personal phone number. Fill out this form to let us know you or your group is interested in helping out; then, RSVP for one of our textbanking training webinars in the next few weeks.
Wednesday, February 26 at 3:30pm Eastern/ 12:30pm Pacific
Sunday, March 8 at 7:30pm Eastern/ 4:30pm Pacific
Concerned about green issues? How about joining other environmental activists for a lobby day in Springfield. It’s a bus trip--just a day trip.  And you can help support the Clean Energy Jobs Act, which has been described by some as the Illinois version of the Green New Deal.  Sign up link includes more information about the Sierra Club sponsored event. The bus from this area will leave from 848 Lake St., Oak Park.  I’m going. Who will join me?

You can poll watch either here in Illinois or in Michigan.
The Voter Protection group of the Michigan Democratic Party is preparing for the March 10 primary and will be deploying volunteers to polling places across the state, including in the areas closest to IL. There are two types of poll monitors in Michigan, challengers and poll watchers. Challengers have to be registered to vote in MI, but poll watchers do not. Poll watchers don't have as many rights as challengers, but they can report issues to the boiler room.
If you are interested in becoming poll observers on March 10 in Michigan, please fill out and submit this form to indicate availability and select a training session. There are several webinar options for training.

During the last election, Marie Newman was not on the ballot in 20 precincts and no one knows what happened. This election cycle the campaign needs poll watchers who can provide eyes-on-the-ground on March 17. They have performed a comprehensive analysis of the precincts where they most need people and they will provide poll watching training.  
When considering what the biggest need of the campaign is between canvassing or poll watching, both Marie and her staff said poll watchers!  Sign up below and help assist in the democratic process in Illinois Congressional District 3 elections!
Contact: Rose Colacino |

How would you like to participate in a Decathlon? That’s right, we are going to sponsor a Decathlon on the long weekend (TH-MON) before the primary.  These will be 10 events you can participate in which includes canvassing, phone banking, text banking, making banners for holding over the expressway, holding signs at the train stations . . .
Let us know if you are interested in helping plan these by emailing us at and look for more specifics in next Monday’s missive.

Until then, remember to limit your news watching, plan some self-care activities, and then find ways you can participate in reclaiming our democracy.



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Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Canvassing Tail

posted by Etta Worthington

Saturday was a marvelous day. It was warm. It was sunny. People were out walking their dogs. It was a great time to be outdoors.

Diane Leamy and I were outdoors in LaGrange, IL, along with teams of other volunteers, canvassing for Marie Newman, who's running for Congress in the third Congressional District.
Things were going well. Diane had her script in hand and  was taking the main talker role, and I had my clipboard and also my iPad, complete with the Minivan app so I could record all responses to our canvass and have that feed directly back to the campaign.  Hi-tech canvassing.

It was generally a good day and only one person glowered at us and quickly pushed the door shut after Diane indicated we were canvassing for Marie Newman.  Most people were either Marie backers, or leaning in that direction. Most people clearly wanted a Democrat in Congress who was a true Democrat, not like the current Representative (Lipinski), who is often described as a Democrat in Republican's clothing.

Things were going well. We were enjoying the day. My Fitbit was happy (yes, I did get in 10,000 steps without a problem).
And then we came to that house.

The porch was off to the side and we had to walk around the garage to get to the front porch, which was on a slab, at ground level. As we rounded the corner of the garage, Diane froze. I almost toppled into her.  This is the conversation that ensued.

Diane:  Isn't that a fox on the porch?
Etta:  Yep.
Diane: Shall we just--
Etta: No. I'm afraid of cornering a wild animal.
Diane: Maybe I can scare it off.
(She claps her hands and the fox slithers into a small opening at one end of the porch and disappears under it.  We step carefully up to the front door.)
Etta: (pointing to something furry on the ground) That's half of a rabbit.
(Diane is undaunted. She pounds on the door.  A man appears and opens it.)
Diane: Hi, we're out this afternoon--Did you know there was a fox on your front porch, and that it hid underneath it?
(She points to the hole with its half-eaten rabbit carcass next to it.)
Man: Yes. Isn't he beautiful?

Diane didn't miss a beat then, and launched into the script. We learned that the man had not yet decided who he'd vote for. So I jumped in.

Etta: Did you know that the Sierra Club just endorsed Marie Newman and that it's the first time they have endorsed a Democrat running against an incumbent?

The man look interested. We left some literature and gingerly walked past the rabbit carcass on our way back to the sidewalk.

I marked the entry on the Minivan app. Undecided. However, on the paper record of the visit, I scribbled "fox under porch."

Do you have a canvassing tale?

Monday, February 17, 2020


Dear Fellow Activists,

Do you believe it? Only one month until our primary here in Illinois.  So, put aside whatever agnst you have from national news last week, and listen up. There are things to do.  We have an election to work on. Let’s start with the easiest thing first.

Are you in Illinois Congressional District 7?  Tonight, Monday, Feb. 17, there’s a candidate forum at the Indivisible Oak Park Area meeting held at Hamburger Mary’s, 155 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park.  All four candidates have confirmed that they are attending.

Of course you can. Anyone can!
And we have a number of opportunities for you. Here they are:
SAT, FEB 22  Buzz at the Buzz and Postcards,6:30-8:30
THURS, FEB 27 Lunch and Postcards at Salerno’s Pizza, noon to 2 pm
FRI, MAR 6  Happy Hour and Postcards at Exit Strategy, 3-30 - ??
SAT. MAR 14 Postcards to Voters at the Library, 10:30 AM to 12:30 AM

Can’t postcard? You can still help. Please contribute to our postage fund so we can buy the extra 2300 postage stamps that we will need before April 1st.  Here is the fundraising link

Since this is the last month before the election, things ramp up to a higher level. So here are some opportunities:

TUES, FEB. 18, Phonebank for Marie Newman in Berwyn, 5- 8 pm
WED, FEB. 19 Canvass for Kina Collins in River Forest, 5:30-8 pm
SUN., FEB. 23, Canvass for Elizabeth Warren in Forest Park. 12- 4 PM. Sign up here.

Interested in canvassing for Marie Newman in Bridgeview FEB 22 and 23 or FEB. 29 and MAR 1 with Western Front member Diane Leamy? For more details, email her at

Consider early voting AND using a PAPER BALLOT. Go to to find out what races are on the ballots, who the candidates are, and their positions.

Concerned about voting rights for all?
CALL Senator Durbin  202-224-2152 and Senator Duckworth at 202-224-2854 
Script: Hi. I’m calling from [ZIP], because voting rights are fundamental to democracy. Since 2013, a Supreme Court ruling has allowed states to enact practices like ID laws and purges that impede voting by the elderly, Native Americans, and other vulnerable communities. I’m asking [NAME] to support the Voting Rights Advancement Act (S. 561) to protect every citizens’ right to vote. I also want [NAME] to urge the Majority Leader to advance this bill immediately since it passed the House nearly three months ago. 
Bonus: Contact Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to urge a vote on S. 561. Address: 317 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

There are more bills to call about so go to this page to find them all.

Witness slips. It’s the time in the state legislative season where bills go to committees and you as a citizen can let our legislators know what you think about various issues by filling out online witness slips. We have a number that are on the docket for this week, including EpiPen for All bill and two about expungement fees. Go to this page for the explanations and links to these witness slips.

Are you somewhat confused about it? In our February meeting we went over some talking points about Medicare for all.  Watch this video by Dr. John Perryman of Physicians for a National Health Program. Go to the Elizbeth Warren website and read about her plan.
And, I am attaching the talking points from our recent meeting, plus slides from a presentation given Indivisible Chicago Alliance by Geri Kahn and Deb Rosenberg. Healthcare is going to be a critical issue in this election.

Yes. You. Make a plan for the weekend before the primary. Right now, that means planning of making time to do some last minute work on campaigns before the primary. We brainstormed at our meeting and will be planning with other area Indivisible groups, a number of activities we can be involved in for that weekend.  We won’t be having a regular meeting next month but will instead help people get connected to any number of activities that will be planned for that weekend.

You can volunteer at the Democratic National Convention. It’s only in Milwaukee and it will be held July 13-16, and they are looking for volunteers.  This can be for a smaller chunk of time or for the whole convention. Find out more info here.

I know I am always giving you suggestions of important actions to take and sometimes I talk about taking care of yourself.  How about an action that is about taking care of yourself? Complete the Self-Care Worksheet that comes from Jen Hoffman of Americans of Conscience Checklist.  Or you can get the attachment at the end of this email.

It’s a long way till November, and we have so much work to do, so make sure and take time for yourself.

Let’s work together on this,


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Monday, February 10, 2020

ACTIONS for week of FEB. 10

Dear Friends,
Yes, it was a discouraging week. But PLEASE DON’T GIVE UP. That's what Senator Chuck Schumer said this past Thursday night in an interview on MSNBC.  Watch this short clip here.

Or read this opinion piece from WBUR titled Don't Lose Hope. Be A Fanatical Optimist Instead.

And get together with fellow like-minded citizens and work to make change. So what are you doing this Sunday, February 16 at 3 PM? We are meeting  at Euclid Avenue Methodist Church, 405 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. Hear from Ellen Holly from the Walworth County Democrats and find out how we can get involved in canvassing in a close by Wisconsin county (which is fairly red). And, you’ll go away with a print copy of talking points about Medicare for All. AND, on top of that, we’ll talk about a multi-group plan for a weekend of action before the Illinois primary election. You’ve got to come!

There’s things to do before that:

MON, FEB 10 6-8 PM 
Training Class for Canvassing Newbies at Bar Louie 47 W Polk St, Chicago. Please sign up at
MON, FEB 10  6:30-8:30 PM Activism Evening in Berwyn
TUES, FEB 11 5 PM  Canvass for Kina Collins in River Forest
THURS, FEB 13 6-8 PM  Meet and Greet for Daniel Epstein in Forest Park
Would you like to phone bank for the Marie Newman campaign? You can do this remotely.  All you need is a cell phone and a computer. Learn more here.

Be Part of the Payback Project

What do these Senators all have in common?  Yes, of course, they voted to acquit, and they are running for re-election and have a lot of power. And they are vulnerable. You can sign up to be part of this project (even if you aren’t in their states). This includes signing up to textbank to voters in these 9 states.
Maybe you are just interested in the DitchMitch campaign.  You can sign up to be on a monthly webinar where you will learn what can be done by out of state groups and individuals.

There are a few slots available so sign up right away. The openings are March 10, 12, 13 and 17.  Sign up here. If you want to do this, you must sign up immediately.

To start with, why not call our Senators and thank them for voting to remove Trump from office. They need to be reminded that we have their backs. Here are the numbers:
Senator Durbin  202-224-2152
Senator Duckworth at 202-224-2854
FOOD STAMPS AND OUR MILITARY: “About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.”   The notion that our military and veterans qualify for food stamps should be a national embarrassment.  Then, to take away a benefit that helps them and their families survive, when they have given their all to us, is shameful.
CALL Senator Durbin  202-224-2152 and Senator Duckworth at 202-224-2854 and your Representative.
Let’s tell all our MoCs that our military and veterans deserve way better than this.  

LANDMINES, AGAIN:  The Trump administration has lifted a ban on the U.S. military's use of landmines outside of the Korean Peninsula. Apparently, it is of no concern to our government that UNICEF estimates that 15,000 to 20,000 people are killed or maimed by landmines every year, 1 in 5 of them  children. We need to tell the White House and, especially, the Department of Defense (703- 571-3343) that we will not tolerate the use, in our name, of a weapon that violates nearly all the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Yes, we are having more postcard writing parties and here are the dates. There’s something for everyone.
SAT., FEB. 22 6:30 to 8:30 PM  at the Buzz Cafe in Oak Park
THURS., FEB. 29 at noon: lunch and postcards, location TBD
FRI., MAR 6, 3:30 PM, Happy Hour and Postcards at Exit Strategy in Forest Park.
Maybe you can’t come to the postcard parties but you would like to help. That’s great, because we need to raise money to pay for the stamps for mailing. Each postcard costs $.35 to mail. Can you help us? You can contribute through our Act Blue account. Go here to contribute.
And, if you are interested in writing postcards at home, email us at and ask how you can get some from us.
Well, that’s it for me today. Feel free to share this list with others. We need all the help we can get.

We’re in this together,

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