Monday, February 10, 2020

ACTIONS for week of FEB. 10

Dear Friends,
Yes, it was a discouraging week. But PLEASE DON’T GIVE UP. That's what Senator Chuck Schumer said this past Thursday night in an interview on MSNBC.  Watch this short clip here.

Or read this opinion piece from WBUR titled Don't Lose Hope. Be A Fanatical Optimist Instead.

And get together with fellow like-minded citizens and work to make change. So what are you doing this Sunday, February 16 at 3 PM? We are meeting  at Euclid Avenue Methodist Church, 405 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. Hear from Ellen Holly from the Walworth County Democrats and find out how we can get involved in canvassing in a close by Wisconsin county (which is fairly red). And, you’ll go away with a print copy of talking points about Medicare for All. AND, on top of that, we’ll talk about a multi-group plan for a weekend of action before the Illinois primary election. You’ve got to come!

There’s things to do before that:

MON, FEB 10 6-8 PM 
Training Class for Canvassing Newbies at Bar Louie 47 W Polk St, Chicago. Please sign up at
MON, FEB 10  6:30-8:30 PM Activism Evening in Berwyn
TUES, FEB 11 5 PM  Canvass for Kina Collins in River Forest
THURS, FEB 13 6-8 PM  Meet and Greet for Daniel Epstein in Forest Park
Would you like to phone bank for the Marie Newman campaign? You can do this remotely.  All you need is a cell phone and a computer. Learn more here.

Be Part of the Payback Project

What do these Senators all have in common?  Yes, of course, they voted to acquit, and they are running for re-election and have a lot of power. And they are vulnerable. You can sign up to be part of this project (even if you aren’t in their states). This includes signing up to textbank to voters in these 9 states.
Maybe you are just interested in the DitchMitch campaign.  You can sign up to be on a monthly webinar where you will learn what can be done by out of state groups and individuals.

There are a few slots available so sign up right away. The openings are March 10, 12, 13 and 17.  Sign up here. If you want to do this, you must sign up immediately.

To start with, why not call our Senators and thank them for voting to remove Trump from office. They need to be reminded that we have their backs. Here are the numbers:
Senator Durbin  202-224-2152
Senator Duckworth at 202-224-2854
FOOD STAMPS AND OUR MILITARY: “About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.”   The notion that our military and veterans qualify for food stamps should be a national embarrassment.  Then, to take away a benefit that helps them and their families survive, when they have given their all to us, is shameful.
CALL Senator Durbin  202-224-2152 and Senator Duckworth at 202-224-2854 and your Representative.
Let’s tell all our MoCs that our military and veterans deserve way better than this.  

LANDMINES, AGAIN:  The Trump administration has lifted a ban on the U.S. military's use of landmines outside of the Korean Peninsula. Apparently, it is of no concern to our government that UNICEF estimates that 15,000 to 20,000 people are killed or maimed by landmines every year, 1 in 5 of them  children. We need to tell the White House and, especially, the Department of Defense (703- 571-3343) that we will not tolerate the use, in our name, of a weapon that violates nearly all the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Yes, we are having more postcard writing parties and here are the dates. There’s something for everyone.
SAT., FEB. 22 6:30 to 8:30 PM  at the Buzz Cafe in Oak Park
THURS., FEB. 29 at noon: lunch and postcards, location TBD
FRI., MAR 6, 3:30 PM, Happy Hour and Postcards at Exit Strategy in Forest Park.
Maybe you can’t come to the postcard parties but you would like to help. That’s great, because we need to raise money to pay for the stamps for mailing. Each postcard costs $.35 to mail. Can you help us? You can contribute through our Act Blue account. Go here to contribute.
And, if you are interested in writing postcards at home, email us at and ask how you can get some from us.
Well, that’s it for me today. Feel free to share this list with others. We need all the help we can get.

We’re in this together,

Please email us at if you want to not receive this any more, or if you have any questions.

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