Dear Fellow Citizens,
Happy new week. Let’s start off by talking about the post office. We had a protest on Saturday at two post offices, Forest Park and Oak Park.
And on Tuesday there’s a day of action organized by the Postal Workers Union.
Today would be a good day to call our Senators about the postal service. DeJoy’s conflicts of interest and his deliberate actions to undermine mail-in voting prove he is utterly unfit to lead USPS. Congress must call for his resignation. Demand that they call for the resignation of Postmaster General DeJoy.
Script: Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP CODE] with Western Front Indivisible. I’m calling to urge [NAME] to call for Postmaster General DeJoy's immediate resignation due to his conflicts of interest and his clear disinterest in ensuring all Americans can safely vote by mail this fall. The Postal Service is an essential nonpartisan service, not a tool for partisan gain.
On Saturday, the House passed the Delivering to America Act, which would require the Postal Service to restore service to what it was January 1, 2020 and continue at that level until after the pandemic ends. So what we need to do this week is to call or email Senators Durbin and Duckworth and demand that they do more than talk. We need to have all their power (especially Durbin’s) used to get Senators from across the aisle to force McConnell to bring both this and the Heroes Act up for a vote with $25 billion for USPS and an additional $3.6 billion in election funding to expand vote by mail and maintain safe in-person voting locations. More information here. Here are the numbers: Senator Durbin 312-886-3506 Senator Duckworth 312-886-3506.
At 2:30 today, there is a Moral March on Mitch McConnell, from the Poor People’s campaign. You can sign up HERE. You can watch/listen to the livestream, and during this time make a call to Mitch McConnell’s office to demand that he bring the Senate back to pass the two big bills impacting the postal service, the Heroes Act and the Delivering to America Act. If you can’t watch, please call to Moscow Mitch’s office during this time, if you can, at (202) 224-2541.
And TUESDAY is a busy day. The American Postal Workers Union has called for a national Day of Action. This might be a good time to make those phone calls to Senators. (See above.)
10 AM Coffee Klatch Join us to talk about what's happening in the world, in the country, in your life. Maybe you want to write a few postcards to voters while you are on, or maybe just drink that cup or coffee or tea and connect
Meeting ID: 889 5531 1261 Or by phone 3126266799
3-5 PM IndivisiText Bingo | Textbanking to Swing State Voters
Never texted before? That's ok! You will need a laptop/tablet and internet access. You do not use your own cell phone to text people. For more details go here.
5:30 PM Candidacy Launch for Cate Readling who is running for Oak Park Village President. Go here to RSVP.
3 PM Voter Registration Phone Bank Calls for Wisconsin. The first 30 minutes will be an optional ZOOM training/refresher session followed by 90 minutes of actual calling by volunteers.
Here is the link to sign up. Once you RSVP you will receive log-in instructions for the session.
5:30 - 6 PM Indivisible PhoneBank Training
Since we can't canvass in a pandemic, phone banking is the best tool we have for winning in November. If you're new to it, we'll train you up and answer all your questions. Our popular class has already turned hundreds of nervous newbies into cool, confident phone bankers. The time is now. Hosted by Indivisible Chicago. Sign up here:
5:30 PM National Truth Brigade Campaign Call. If you have already signed up and want to know about the next campaign, register here for the hour-long call.
Maybe you missed the Happy Hour last Friday and all the information about Disinformation and how to combat it. Well, you are in luck. You can listen to the original presentation with this YouTube video. This was a presentation at the August 8th Windivisible Boot Camp, The slides are rather small on the video, so I have attached a copy of them to this newsletter.
Once you’ve watched the videos and gone through the slides, you’re going to want to join Indivisible’s Truth Brigade and you can do that by going here. And they are launching a new campaign as part of this venture, to be announced in a Zoom call the Thursday at 5:30 PM and you can register at this link. And we will be talking more about the Truth Brigade and this new campaign at our Happy Hour this Friday at 4:30 PM.
Meeting ID: 820 1123 3258 Or by phone at 3126266799
Maybe you can't write postcards. But you can help support those who do by donating to our special fundraiser for GOTV expenses. Contribute through ActBlue today and you can have your money doubled through a matching grant from Indivisible.
But if you are writing postcards . . .
2 PM Virtual Postcard Writing Party. Join us as we write postcards to voters in swing states. This is part of a campaign to contact 16 million voters. Here’s the info: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 1610 6893 Or by phone 3126266799
Get you questions about voting answered On Thursday, SEPT 3
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM In a Zoom meeting by Forest Park Public Library
Join the La Grange Area and Oak Park/River Forest League of Women Voters for a non-partisan review of voter registration, new vote-by-mail processes, and expanded early voting. There will be a short presentation followed by a Q&A discussion. Registration is mandatory and the link is here.
This probably is most relevant to young people, so if you’re not, pass this on to someone you know who is.
If you are in Cook County and are interested, you can go here to find out more.
Don’t watch the RNC. You can get reports afterwards from trusted new sources, from podcasts, or maybe you just want to tune into late night talk shows. I might check in with Stephen Colbert or Seth Myerson. Whatever you do, please do not amplify the lies and misinformation from the current administration.
Also, put this on your calendar: our next monthly meeting is SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 at 3 PM. It will be an important meeting where we will discuss what we need to do for the last big push for our election. You’ll want to come, and invite friends and neighbors.
Let’s support our postal workers this week. Buy some stamps. You can order them online if you don’t want to step in the post office.
And remember, November 3 is only 70 days away. What are you going to do this week?
PS If you have any questions or want to be removed from this mailing list, please email us at