Monday, March 15, 2021


 Dear Friends and Neighbors,

We’ve had good news this week. The American Rescue Plan passed and was signed into law by President Biden.

You probably read or heard the news about how groundbreaking this Plan is and what a dent it puts in poverty. AND you’ve heard that NO REPUBLICANS VOTED FOR THIS. Let’s keep that in mind all the way from now until the election in 2022. 

But there’s more urgent and important legislation that MUST BE PASSED.


For Democracy to stay, the Filibuster must go.

Here’s just the tip of the iceberg of what we could lose if we don’t abolish the filibuster: 

  • Restoring and expanding voting rights through the John Lewis Voting Rights Act,
  • Fighting voter suppression, gerrymandering, corruption, and money in politics with the For the People Act,
  • Securing representation for D.C.’s 700,000+ residents with the D.C. statehood bill,
  • Addressing the climate crisis and its consequences for the economy and racial justice through the THRIVE resolution,
  • Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour,
  • And more.

Senate Democrats face a choice: either accept congressional gridlock where nothing gets done or do away with the filibuster in order to pass their priorities with a Democratic majority.

     Indivisible National is targeting Arizona, West Virginia, and Maine) where mobilizations are necessary to apply pressure on the moderate Senate Democrats and Independents who can get rid of the filibuster once and for all. And they are raising money for ads, billboards, and more, and if you would like to donate to that cause you can go here.


Tell Senators Durbin and Duckworth: restore voting rights, no matter what it takes (like ditching the filibuster.)

Help keep the pressure on Senators Durbin and Duckworth to pass the most sweeping voter protection package since the 1960s. S.1 (For The People Act) protects the right of every American to cast their vote, starting with the critical 2022 election.  

Republicans want fewer votes cast, not an expanded electorate, and are preparing to kill these reforms by using the filibuster. Southern racists maximized this tool during the shameful Jim Crow era to block an anti-lynching bill and other civil rights legislation. Today, it's still a racist tool that can continue to limit rights for BIPOC voters. It is time for the Senate to consign it to the dustbin of history.

We know Senators Durbin and Duckworth support these election reforms. Now, they need to declare their commitment to doing whatever it takes to make them become law.  

Add your name to this petition to Senators Durbin and Duckworth calling for their leadership as our country arrives at this critical crossroads.

And do one more thing: write a postcard to each of our Senators and implore them to do whatever it takes to pass S.1, including changing or eliminating the filibuster to get the bill passed. Any postcard will do. A vintage one. Something you have left from a vacation. One you buy pre stamped from the USPS.

Senator Dick Durbin,  230 S. Dearborn Street, Suite 3892, Chicago, IL 60604

Senator Tammy Duckworth, 230 South Dearborn Street, Suite 3900, Chicago, IL 6060

Will you send out two postcards this week?


MON, MAR. 15  2 PM

RSVP here.


10 AM Western Front Coffee Klatch

Join us on Zoom as we discuss what’s happening in our lives and in the world and plan future actions and events for Western Front. If you’ve never come before, why not stop by. We’d love to see you. 

7 PM  Our Voice is Our Vote

This is an event with Common Cause and Indivisible Illinois, with a timely discussion on the current state of election reform and what we can do to advocate for safe, secure and accessible elections. Register here.


7:30 PM   Illinois Truth Brigade and other Social Media Campaigns

Come to get tips on how to effectively use social media in your group(s) and among friends and neighbors. And how to tell the truth effectively on Social Media.

8:00  PM Indivisible Illinois State Meeting

Join with other group members from around the state, including those in Rural Areas. Have you heard about the THRIVE AGENDA? Would you like to really know what’s in this bill that is destined to be groundbreaking. Learn about that and other national and state legislation we need to take action about.

RSVP for the Zoom link here:    (That link works for both meetings.)


7 PM  Democracy Reform Working Group  Meet with Indivisibles from across the country to coordinate advocacy efforts around court reform, filibuster reform and DC statehood.  RSVP for the Democracy Reform Working Group   Check out more information on H.R.1, H.R.4, and DC Statehood through the lens of racial justice  and also What we mean by “court reform” and getting our democracy “back on track”

FR, MAR 19

NO HAPPY HOUR!  We are having our monthly meeting on Sunday and will not have Happy Hour this week.


1:30 PM   Western Front Indivisible Monthly meeting.

Join us for this fast-paced hour-long meeting. You’ll go away feeling connected to others and having learned more about what’s happening in this country and what we are individuals and us as a group can do to make a difference. We’re going to have  special guest former federal prosecutor and CNN analyst Renato Mariotti. He'll be talking about all the state attempts at voter suppression and what we need to know about those. And we’ll have other presentations on Democracy Reform and a couple of Illinois bills we need to support.  You’ll go away from the meeting knowing a lot more AND energized to take action to make a difference.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.




Remember when we heard from Anthony Clark about the Community Fridge project  back in February? Well, the project has launched. Go to their website to find out how you can get involved. It is located at Carnival Grocery 824 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.


Volunteer in the Austin community, where Austin Coming Together is co-hosting vaccination clinics for the next 6 Fridays and weekends... available to any Austin resident 18 and over.  Go here to sign up for a volunteer shift.  



There are two ways to stay on top of what is happening. If you are on Facebook, you can join the group. Or, if you prefer, go to the page on our blog. I will try and keep this updated so you can be on top of these. And I will note each new update.

If you aren’t familiar with Witness Slips and how to fill them out, here are a couple of tips.

Instructions for filling out witness slips:



 We hear from Interfaith Green Network and Clean Up - Give Back (local OPRF chapter), that they want to help you recycle your single-use plastic bags/film. They need 500 pounds of plastic!

What: Recycle your Produce bags, Newspaper sleeves, Store bags, Dry cleaning bags, Ziploc & other reclosable bags, Bubble wrap, Cereal box liners, Plastic e-commerce mailers, Case overwrap, Bread bags, Ice bags. NOTE: Plastics must be clean, dry, and free of food and organic residue.

When: Now through August 2021

Where: 2 Collection Sites: Oak Park Temple South Entrance near the parking lot off Harlem/Division AND The Oak Park Conservatory inside the main lobby!

Why: Recycle those bags you've been holding onto! Help us collect 500 pounds of plastic so we can earn a recycled plastic bench for  Austin Peoples Action Center

They are running this with a small group of volunteers. We ask that you don't rush all at once to stuff the bins so we can keep up. Bins will be there for 6 months or until we get to 500 pounds. If you want to help, please let us know!


If you want to hear more late breaking news on things we should be concerned about or acting on, please join our Facebook group or to follow us on Twitter.  And email us at if you have questions or concerns.

I hope to see you on a Zoom call this week,



For Western Front Indivisible



Monday, March 8, 2021



Dear Friends,

. . . and I do think of you as friends even though some of you I may not have met, and some of you I’ve  met but I don’t remember your names.  


Well, GOOD NEWS, the Senate has passed the American Rescue Plan. It goes back to the House to pass any differences. It doesn’t include a $15 minimum wage, as we will need to fight for that in the future. But we do know that it will include a $1400 direct stimulus payment to many Americans (based on income level), increased extra unemployment benefits of $300 a week until  this September 6, and much more.  Know that it is a “rescue plan” and we will be hearing in the future about a “recovery plan.”


Thank our Senators to for passing the American Recovery Act

Senator Duckworth | DC: 202-224-2854 | Chicago 312-886-3506 | Email Sen. Duckworth     Senator Durbin | DC: 202-224-2152 | Chicago 312-353-4952 | Email Sen. Durbin 

Script: Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ZIP CODE] with Western Front Indivisible. I’m calling to thank Senator [NAME] for passing the American Recovery Act. I want to see the Senator continue to fight for the middle class by working to enact a $15 minimum wage and reduce economic inequality. Thank you.



Demand Your Senators Support and Move Swiftly on S.1 and S. 51

Donald Trump’s presidency and attempts to steal the 2020 election have put into focus the cracks in our democratic system. That’s why one of Senate Democrats’ first orders of business was introducing S. 1, the For the People Act, and S. 51, the D.C. Statehood bill, signaling that structural democracy reform is their number one priority. With our democracy in crisis, we need robust reforms that targets voter suppression, gerrymandering, money in politics, corruption, and more.

Without a functional democracy in which everyone is included and represented, we can’t achieve any of our other progressive goals. All the issues we care about deeply: health care, immigration, ending wars, racial justice, climate change—fixing these things requires a democracy that is responsive to the people, not the powerful and wealthy.

We have the opportunity to fundamentally change our democracy for the better. Call your Senators and demand they support S. 1 and S. 51, work swiftly to mark both bills up, and send them to the floor for a vote. Additionally, S. 1 and S. 51 must be passed quickly -- Democratic Senators cannot let the filibuster get in the way.

Send a Message: Tell Your U.S. Representative to Support Background Checks on All Gun Sales  Our U.S. Representatives must act immediately to cosponsor H.R. 8 and support background checks on all gun sales. We deserve more than thoughts and prayers from our elected officials—we deserve action. We need our reps to pass H.R. 8, lifesaving legislation that requires background checks on all gun sales. To ensure the House takes up this critical legislation soon, we urgently need 218 reps (a majority of the House) to cosponsor H.R. 8.  As of right now, Rep. Danny Davis (IL-7) has not signed on. Give his office a call and demand that he do so.

For a number of other calls to make to legislators, please go to our blogpage CALLS TO MAKE.



1 PM  Protest for a $15 minimum wage

Join up for a day of dance, music and action highlighting the need for a $15 minimum wage, One Fair Wage and the end of gender based violence at work.

WHERE: Senator Tammy Duckworth's office; 230 S Dearborn Street; Chicago, IL 60604.

Can't attend? Click here to participate in a digital rally on Monday with One Fair Wage. 

7 PM  Climate Change Committee

Are you frustrated by the lack of urgency so many of our representatives have regarding the climate crisis?Join with Indivisible Western Springs to learn about what things are happening in the local area.  Register here:


10 AM  Western Front Coffee Klatch

Well, it’s a laid back morning chat with coffee, but we plan what actions we are going to be taking. This week we will be talking about the Congressional recess at the end of March.  Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 869 4012 9982

5-7 PM

RSVP for Midwest Democracy Reform Series - D.C. Statehood

If you want to learn more and understand what we can do to make sure DV becomes a state, please join this meeting. Understand why it is critical we get our lawmakers to vote for this.

WED., MAR 10

So much to do this evening. Can you make any of these?

5:30 PM  Indivisible National Truth Brigade. Register hereDISINFORMATION IN 2021: What we can expect this year, and what we can DO about it. Join us for this special call, and encourage your group members to attend, too! Our partners and national disinfo experts GQR and Dewey Digital will be presenting.

For either of the following two, here is the link

7:30-8:00p Indivisible Illinois Truth Brigade. Learn how you can counter lies here in Illinois.

8:00-9:00p Regular Statewide Call. There are always special guests, and new information on what is happening in the state politically.

THUR., MAR 11  7:00 PM

Join National's Economic Justice working group! This working group will bring together Indivisibles from across the country to coordinate advocacy efforts COVID relief, tax justice, and much more.  Economic Justice Working Group

If you want to go catch up on Call recording  from previous meeting (password: p7dK?h8j)

FRI., MAR 12

Each Friday, Indivisibles in New York get fired up on Twitter to draw attention to their ask of Senator Schumer to end the filibuster. New York groups pair it with #BeBoldChuck.  We need Senators Duckworth and Durbin to publicly oppose the filibuster. Removing this Jim Crow relic will make it far easier to pass the meaningful, urgent relief we need.

      Want to join in? Here’s the Social Media toolkit and information on content to share.  If you want to learn more about the importance of eliminating the filibuster, go here.

4:30 PM  

Yes it’s HAPPY HOUR.  And, surprise, this time it’s a dance party!  Come by, have a drink. Get your body moving. It’ll be fun. We’ve been working hard, now it’s time for some fun. Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 842 8973 0154 Or join by phone at 312-626-6799.

SAT. MAR 13, 4 PM


Sign up here to phonebank for H.R. 1 (For the People Act) is one of the cornerstones of the necessary reforms we need to unrig our democracy and make it work for all. H.R. 1 includes the following: Voter empowerment and access, getting money out of politics, establishing independent redistricting commissions in all states, and so much more.

We will be calling our neighbors in Illinois' 16th Congressional District, asking them to contact Rep. Adam Kinzinger to support H.R. 1.  Register here for the phonebank.

          Planning ahead: Put these on your Calendar

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 • 7:00 PM                     

Our Vote is Our Voice: An Event with Indivisible Illinois

Register here.

March 18th: Democracy Reform Working Group

March 22nd: Climate Working Group

MAR 21  1:30 PM   Western Front Indivisible Monthly Meeting

We are going back to a once a month meeting packed with interesting speakers and interesting discussions--on a weekend so that people who work during our other regular meetings, cna join in.  Please mark this on your calendar.

March 24th: State Legislative Advocacy Training Series

MAR 27  8:30 PM - 9:30 PM  EARTH Hour Turn off your lights and celebrate the Earth

MAR 30  7 - 9 pm  Creating Fair Maps and Redistricting.  Join Indivisible Evenston for his great conversation with special speakers. Register here.


There are two ways to stay on top of what is happening. If you are on Facebook, you can join the group. Or, if you prefer, go to the page on our blog. I will try and keep this updated so you can be on top of these. And I will note each new update.

It you aren’t familiar with Witness Slips and how to fill them out, here are a couple of tips.

Instructions for filling out witness slips:



You may have missed Reid McCullom at our Happy Hour last week. You can watch/listen to him by going here: 

If you want to be part of this new Postcard initiative that starts the beginning of April, let us know.  We will be serving as a distribution point for postcards in this general area. Email us at if you want to be part of this and start writing postcards.


We are, and the book a number of us are reading is The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person by Frederick Joseph. We’d love to talk about it later this month. If you are interested, please order a copy of the book. It can be gotten locally through The Book Table.  Or you can try your local library.  Grab the book and read it, so we can have a discussion.

We’re not recommending you order this week from Amazon. And this is in support of Amazon employees in Alabama who are attempting to form a union. Let’s do this in solidarity.

That’s it for right now. If you want to hear more late breaking news on things we should be concerned about or acting on, please join our Facebook group or to follow us on Twitter.  And email us at if you have questions or concerns.

I hope to see you on a Zoom call this week,



For Western Front Indivisible