Dear Activists,
A lot is happening, and some of it is quite exciting. If it feels like there is absolutely too much to do, that may be true. So you’ll have to pick and choose. Some of us have too many Zoom meetings to keep up.
As a result of a survey we did of the group, we identified some critical issues that seemed to be of greatest interest. Voting Rights and Election Safety was one of the top issues, so we are all watching very carefully what is happening with H.R.1 (You can get more information on the bill here.)
On Saturday the House passed President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package bill. The biggest item (costing about $420 billion) is a package of $1,400-per-person checks for most households. Other major items include an expansion of jobless benefits ($240 billion); an expansion of tax credits for parents and low-income workers ($130 billion); health insurance subsidies ($65 billion); and housing assistance ($40 billion). The other half of the bill is mostly aid to state and local governments, including money for schools as well as for coronavirus testing and vaccination.
And, although there is a provision in the bill to raise the minimum wage to $15. The problem is that the Senate will not pass this bill with that in it because they will filibuster, so the Democrats will use budget reconciliation to pass the bill but the Senate parliamentarian said the minimum wage provision would not fit in. What does that mean. Two things: we must get the covid relief package passed. And we need to eliminate the filibuster (so legislation can be passed with a simple Majority).
Now this is what you can do. Both Senators Durbin and Duckworth have come out as undecided about whether the filibuster should be passed. Let’s help them decide. Let’s call them, email them, contact them through ResiBot, tweet at them--let them know that we must eliminate the filibuster and you want them to vote on legislation regarding that.
Good news, this bill will be voted on this week in the House This is a big bill which includes measures to: o expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes. VERY IMPORTANT. All Democrats have signed on as cosponsors of the bill. Then it will go on to the Senate as S.1
Are you a member of the Democratic Party of Illinois? What does it mean to be a member? Most people do not know.
The fact is on March 6, elected Democratic State Central Committee members will choose Madigan’s successor as the Chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois. This meeting will be the ULTIMATE smoke filled backroom - unless grassroots demands better.
First, contact interim Democratic party chair, Karen Yarbrough 217-546-7404. Demand that the March 6 special meeting ensures transparency by livestreaming and/or opening the event to the public and press.
Second, contact your Democratic Central Committeeperson. Demand public, in-district candidate forums for the Democratic Party of Illinois Chair. FIND YOUR CENTRAL COMMITTEEPERSON HERE
There’s a new campaign. #StoptheBigLie, Even if you aren’t officially signed up, PLEASE, sometime this week, share this message (or customize it) on Facebook and/or Twitter. More information about the campaign here. Here is a sample message you can share.
Most of us want our leaders to focus on OUR health and safety--not on fear for their own lives. Yet extremists on the right are inciting the insurrectionists again, spreading the Big Lie to disrupt our democracy. I love my country, and I'm not falling for it. #TruthBrigade
Then there’s a campaign for our state and we are using #TruthBrigadeIllinois (yes--always use a hashtag when you are doing these posts) and it’s to debunk fears and lies about COVID vaccinations. Info sheet here. Here is a sample message and please share this week.
A COVID vaccine is here! But some people are choosing to spread lies that will only prolong this pandemic. Instead of listening to rumors, I hope we come together to listen to the science and support safe, effective vaccines for all. #TruthBrigadeIllinois
Please be part of this truth-telling movement!
2 PM
If you can in the afternoon, stop by the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Monday live stream. RSVP here or find the livestream on YouTube.
10:00 AM IS COFFEE KLATCH. Join us by Zoom and we’ll have coffee, see how everyone is doing and chat about the actions that we need to take in the very near future. If you have the time, please join us. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 4012 9982
8:00 PM Indivisible Illinois State Call. State calls are open to all. You can RSVP here. You’ll find out about important issues and bills in our state government.
7 PM Indivisible March National Activist Call You can register here for this call and register to get an invite every month. Find out what is happening and how you can help save democracy. This is usually a fast-paced hour-long Zoom call with the latest on what we can do for federal advocacy.
It’s #FilibusterFriday If you are on twitter you can be part of this weekly tweetstorm that happens on Friday. To join this Twitterstorm every Friday, please join the Twitter room by following and direct messaging @sreeske on Twitter. Here’s the Toolkit
You don’t want to miss this one. We’ll have a guest bartender who mixes up a cocktail, and then we’ll get on to talking about postcarding. Reid McCullom, the man behind Postcards to Swing States and also Postcards to Georgia, will stop by and announce the new campaigns that are launching in April for the 2022 election. If you postcard, you don’t want to miss this!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 8973 0154 Or by phone at 3126266799,
4 PM Saturday Democracy Reform Phonebank
H.R. 1 (For the People Act) is one of the cornerstones of the necessary reforms we need to unrig our democracy and make it work for all. H.R. 1 includes the following: Voter empowerment and access, getting money out of politics, establishing independent redistricting commissions in all states, and so much more. We will be calling our neighbors in Illinois' 16th Congressional District, asking them to contact Rep. Adam Kinzinger to support H.R. 1. Never phonebanked before? That's ok! You can watch this video in advance to familiarize yourself with the system:
You can also download the TurboVPB plug-in to make calls in a streamlined way:
Yes, the state legislative session is gearing up, and as bills are in committee, we have an opportunity to register our support of opposition to them through filling out Witness Slips. There are too many already to include in this action list and things change quickly. There are two ways to stay on top of what is happening. If you are on Facebook, you can join the group. Or, if you prefer, go to the page on our blog. I will try and keep this updated so you can be on top of these. And I will note each new update.
If you come to any of our meetings, you’ve undoubtedly seen John Twomey at them. Unfortunately, John broke a vertebrae or two in his back a couple of weeks ago and he is temporarily residing in a nursing home so he can get adequate care as his back heals. I’m sure he’d be happy to get a card or postcard from anyone. The address is: John Twomey, ℅ Manor Care, 600 W Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, IL 60521
And here’s something for you to watch: an Oscar-nominated short film called A Night at the Garden. Chilling. How does this compare to MAGA rallies? Well folks, we have a democracy to save. Let’s go do it!
PS If you want to hear more late breaking news on things we should be concerned about or acting on, please join our Facebook group or to follow us on Twitter. And email us at if you have questions or concerns.
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